Volume Notification APK

Access your device’s sound sliders straight from the notification drawer!Featuring quick settings for Android N and a discrete notification that matches your launcher for Android 4.1 and above. You’ll only notice that it’s there when you need it.

This tight little app becomes particularly useful when you want to keep or share any media streaming during a voice call. Or simply when access to physical buttons is limited. Or you just fancy a full touch device.

But it can also be a life saver, when you need to quickly toggle that background audio. Never wished you had it? Well, now you do!

This application is open source and does not require any special permissions.

Please feel free to file any issues or feature requests. Your feedback is always greatly appreciated!

** All custom theme’s supported color names will be listed here: developer.android.com/reference/android/graphics/Color.html#parseColor(java.lang.String)

What’s New

* Fixed tiles crashing on Android N
* Improved notification persistence compatibility
* Minor UI improvements
* Keep rocking! 🙂

Apologies for the late update. I still wasn’t able to add another language yet…
Please use git if you would like to contribute with a translation:
Thank you!

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Additional information

Volume Notification
1.19 MB
100,000+ downloads
Developed By

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