Showbox App for iPhone

How to Download & Install Showbox App for iPhone APK

Most of us are likely to have come across Showbox at one point or the other. This app is basically a streaming platform that lets the users stream content for free. From TV series to videos or movies, you can stream anything you want from your laptop, phone, or tab. You can easily access multiple streaming platforms, such as Vudu, Hulu, Netflix, and HBO from this app. All your content needs in one place! The app allows the user to stream videos online and even gives them the option to download them for later offline viewing. This is quite a rare feature for streaming platforms. It is easy to sort movies and shoes with genre and find the one that you want. Once you find the content you want, you can either stream it online or save it for later.

While it sounds like a dream come true, there are some issues with it as well. Since most downloads are through torrents, copyright infringement is a problem. Due to this reason, you will not find Showbox in the Google Play Store. While the app is still popular, many users tend to wonder about using it since streaming entertainment content has become so much easier legally. However, it is a great option if you don’t want to pay the high subscription fee for watching your favorite TV shows or movies. The icing on the cake is that it also offers the option of streaming content in real time – all this, absolutely free! Even if you are not a registered member, you can still use their streaming service.

Showbox For iPhone

iOS devices like iPhones and iPads are among the most popular consumer devices. Unfortunately, due to multiple restrictions, Apple customers can only access limited apps. If you are looking to install Showbox app on your iOS device and you don’t want to jailbreak it, don’t worry. There is still a way out! The trick here is to understand that Showbox will not run in iOS devices as it is an Android device. However, you can use Moviebox, the iOS version of the same app.

Showbox App for iPhone-how to

Download Showbox For iOS Devices

Method 1:

Since Showbox is not available for iOS devices, you can choose to go ahead with Moviebox. The features of both apps are similar. All the features of the parent app are here in the child app and there is no difference whatsoever between the two versions, except that one was made for Android and the other for iOS.

Method 2:

vShare is an app that permits the user to download apps for various platforms. Use your browser to download the non-jailbroken version of the app and install it. Once the installation is done, search for “Moviebox”. Install it.

You will receive a screen pop-up requesting permission for installing the app. Once you allow it, the app will install, and you can now get started watching movies and streaming videos!

Method 3:

If the above methods didn’t work for you, you can still download and install Showbox by using an Android emulator. This will offer you an Android platform on any iOS device. Now, all you have to do to download Showbox is to download the emulator and access Showbox. However, do note that it is not a very reliable method as emulators are hard to find. Even if you get lucky and get one, it might not be trustworthy or efficient.

Showbox and safety

Showbox and its safety is a much-debated subject. The security depends on where you download the app. In most cases, we get our Android app from the Google Play Store. So, we know we can trust the source. However, since Showbox is not available here, one has to depend on third-party websites for the same. Since the app supports pirated content and has torrent-downloaded content, it is not available at the Play Store. Since it encourages such activities, it doesn’t have any official website where the user can reach out to the developers. Do note that getting their official copy is not an easy task.

Issues and support

If you are lucky enough to find a clean copy of the Showbox app, you can enjoy unlimited hours of videos, movies, and TV shows. Some issues users have reported with the content here include audio problems on videos, broken subtitles, constant pop-up ads, and so on. While there are many communities formed around Showbox and they all help their fellow users, if you get affected or have trouble with the app, you cannot make any official complaint.  The idea behind Showbox is certainly awesome and it would be a great one to use if you get a good copy. If you are sure of the source, don’t hesitate and go right ahead and treat yourself to a variety of content.


At first glance, Showbox is a great app. Where else can you get a variety of movies, shows, and videos in one place? You get to access content from a number of different streaming platforms and view it in one place. However, behind this idea is the issue of using copyrighted content. Downloading copyrighted content is illegal. However, streaming the same is still a grey area.

Is it a good idea to use Showbox?

Nobody can deny the fact this app is an amazing idea and it works well too. If you are confident of your source and it works out well for you, great! But, if you are cautious and don’t want to take any chances, there are plenty of other streaming services out there too. Many services have cut down on their subscription fees as well, making them more affordable than ever before. While you might have to pay something to access the other platforms, you know that it is completely legal and you are not going to get into trouble with the law or with any viruses.

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